Thank you all for your continued support and photos that you have been providing us of new model suggestions and also of the 9 post well car on your layout. We are still waiting on more walkways and the new blisters, which we were advised that they would be shipping to us soon. We will continue to process each customer's needs in the order they were received. If you have any further questions or concerns, please send them to
Just a little insight about JTC, we are very different from other manufactures. We continuously produce prototypically correct containers to match the specific scheme. If we don't have a container tooling of a scheme that we want to produce, we will have new Tooling produced. We have offered 5 different ONE container sets, (and counting), to include the different lease companies used by ONE and here this month, is another ONE operated under Global Lease, to help build more variety.
We wanted to take it one step further on a very popular scheme, CMA CGM. CMA CGM utilizes their containers to differentiate themselves to potential customers. To offer YOU modelers that same prototypical variety, we have three different schemes and six numbers in mixed packages. You can purchase any two 2 of the CMA CGM mixed packs and you will get one of each scheme with one scheme duplicated but with a different number. September 40' HC container releases have been shipped to our national distributors. We hope you enjoy these and our future variety of products & schemes to be released. Direct links to this month's releases are below, along with photos;

CMA CGM 405089M (Advanced Steel & Blue Sky)
CMA CGM 405090M (Blue Sky & Carrying Cars)
CMA CGM 405092M ( Carrying Cars & Advanced Steel)
Capital 405017
FESCO 405087
HANJIN 405012
IVARAN 405058
ONE 405138 (Global Lease)
P & O Nedlloyd 405009
SEAGO 405057
TOUAX/MOL 405078
TRITON 405049

We hope that you enjoy all this variety of schemes, as we see in the prototype world. MORE ... news soon....
Thank You, and Please stay as safe as possible!
The JTC Team
Steve & Stan