JTC is pleased to Announce our first New well car, the NSC 53', 9-post NWF13A car. We have a Pre-Production sample on display at our Booth at Trainfest, this weekend, Nov. 9th & 10th. The model is detailed die cast with stainless steel grating and handrails for durability. Air tank & piping detail is in plastic. Available in 5 road numbers, and Scheduled for delivery by Q2 2020. First time in N Scale, all New Tooling.

See the Product listings here

Thank You for your support - The JTC Team

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  • Davet on

    Did not find Norfolk Southern safety train. Can you send me the information

  • Ron Wehner on

    Awesome news. The NSC well car is a much needed addition to anyone’s intermodal fleet after so many gunderson “maxi’s” on the market. Many thanks and kudos for producing it. Can’t wait!!!!!

  • Stephen Ruhl on

    I saw the Pre-Production sample at Trainfest and it looked great. I am in the market for several when they are released.


    I need some please very nice

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