DTTX NSC 53' well car Class NWF13 - 17 Post (W & P) w/stripes, small Red TTX 658627. JTC# 772044
JTC # 7720044- 17-post 53’ well car – TTX Car number 658627
Class NWF13 - 17 Post version of a Single well double stack car as built by National Steel Car. National Steel Car (NSC) is the largest manufacturer of rolling stock in Canada, based in Hamilton, Ontario.
Current estimated delivery date is December 12, 2024. Please see our Backorder policy for full details and information using the link below.
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Backorder(s) policy – JTC MODEL TRAINS
MODEL FEATURES: Designed and Engineered for modeler's use;
• Metal detailed body for weight and tracking ability, loaded or empty.
• JTC has made the end grabs, foot-stirrups, and walkways out of etched stainless steel, with see thru grating. The SS will generally bend, instead of breaking like plastic. The SS will also hold up to general handling much better than plastic. The etched metal is painted to resemble a prototypical dull galvanized metal.
• JTC has designed this model to accept other brands of containers; We have test fit the following for fit: All JTC products of course; These 53' containers; Atlas, Deluxe, KATO, Micro-Trains, Scale Trains. Also 48 footers by; Deluxe, Micro-Trains, JTC.
• The Interior has 'PIN' location holes for proper placement JTC 20' for compatible alignment of larger JTC containers on top.
• The Design of the interior 'PIN' holes at 40' locations are oval shaped to accept a proper fit in the well, of the other brands.
• Engineered for the 17-post NSC versions to come with JTC trucks and JTC's VRK couplers - body mounted at the Factory.
• Precise painting & decorating as per prototype photos.
• JTC suggested minimum radius is 18" for the length of car. On the Test layout, they constantly traversed 15" curves.
- Model has plastic Air system details
- Built Dates - 2002 - 2004